Thursday 16 September 2010

Alice in Wonderland Party: Food

Here are a few snaps of the food from our party:

This is my first ever attempt at a topsy turvy cake (also known as a Mad Hatter cake - very appropriate for the theme of the party!).

This type of cake is not for the faint hearted as it is quite complicated. I had no idea where to start so read the tutorial on Cake Central. Being a bit of a cake baking novice, I then decided it was too complicated so I simplified my own version and was still pretty pleased with the result.

We served traditional tea party type food - cakes, biscuits and little sandwiches.

If I was better at icing, I probably would have done something clever and iced "eat me" onto the cakes. But I did this in the most simplified way I could think of, and just made cute little signs with a toothpick.

This was the kids' drinks. I collected and cleaned empty juice bottles, covered them in pretty bright paper and added a "drink me" label.

I'm hoping to do a blog post on the party games next week.