The Cheshire Cat. Drawn onto wooden board, cut out and then painted with acrylic. The windmill flowers were 99p Shop finds.
We had two playing card soldiers and half a dozen blow up flamingoes.
Inside was decorated with paper lanterns.
You can see the table here, scattered with mini playing cards. There are two teapots on the table with (fake) white roses, which the Card Gardeners have painted red!
The white fabric roses were bought in a Pound Shop. I painted them with red water based paint.
This is the sideboard. We covered it with playing card confetti (from a party supply store), a playing card tower, a bottle labeled "drink me" and a mysterious key.
Playing card towers were placed at strategic points around our house. To keep them standing in the presence of excitable children, the cards are held together with discrete cardboard tabs.
And finally, we blew up fifty red and black helium balloons. I used a heart shaped hole punch on the playing cards then threaded them to the curling ribbon.
Posts on the party games and food to come at a later date!